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Subeca Harnesses Amazon Sidewalk to Streamline IoT Data Ingestion and Boost Processing Capacity


Startups & Software

Teams & Services

/IoT Development /Cloud Architecture /Data Engineering /DevOps

Tech & Tools

/AWS IoT Core /Amazon Sidewalk /AWS Lambda /AWS S3 /AWS DynamoDB

Key Data Points

Efficiently ingested IoT data using Amazon Sidewalk.
Enhanced data processing capabilities.
Improved scalability for future IoT projects.

The Vision

Subeca envisioned a robust and scalable solution to handle data ingestion from IoT devices efficiently. Utilizing Amazon Sidewalk, Subeca aimed to enhance their data processing capabilities and prepare their infrastructure for future growth.

The Goal

Subeca's mission was to create an efficient and scalable data ingestion pipeline using Amazon Sidewalk to manage IoT data effectively. This included improving data processing speed, ensuring scalability, and enhancing overall system reliability.

The Challenge

Subeca needed a reliable and efficient way to ingest and process data from numerous IoT devices. The existing infrastructure faced challenges in handling large volumes of data, necessitating a scalable and robust solution.

The Solution

Protagona partnered with Subeca to implement a Proof of Concept (PoC) for ingesting data using Amazon Sidewalk. The solution involved setting up AWS IoT Core for device communication, AWS Lambda for processing data, and AWS S3 and DynamoDB for storage. This setup ensured efficient data ingestion, processing, and storage, meeting Subeca's requirements for scalability and reliability.


Protagona's expertise in AWS and IoT has been invaluable in optimizing our data ingestion process. Their solution has significantly enhanced our data processing capabilities and prepared us for future scalability.


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