Prescribing the cure to rapid growth issues through a very Well Architected framework review
Startups & Software
Teams & Services
Cloud Engineering
Tech & Tools
EC2 / Well Architected / WAF / RDS
Key Data Points
The Vision
Our customer provides their users with recorded evidence of teaching and learning throughout different stages of career development in the armed forces.
The Goal
To ensure optimal operational efficiencies within AWS while staying in compliance with FedRamp and DoD Impact requirements.
The Challenge
As their business grows rapidly, so too does their consumption of AWS services and infrastructure.
This client’s technical leadership suspected that they were not yet making the best use of scaling-friendly practices within AWS, and were also seeking solutions and recommendations to ensure that they maintain compliance requirements for FedRamp and DoD Impact levels.
For these reasons they enlisted the aid of Protagona to consult on the current and future states of both their infrastructure and application stack methodologies.
The Solution
Protagona worked closely in partnership with this customer to perform a Well Architected Framework Review (WAFR) and subsequently to scope out additional formative architectural changes needed to take full advantage of AWS.
The undertaken WAFR was used as a barometer to gauge the customer’s level of cloud adoption on AWS and shape their journey.
As a result of the WAFR, Protagona helped identify a handful of other projects and opportunities that can better situate the customer that are also eligible for AWS funding opportunities.